Be your best and choose the best

If you accept that you are unique, take the time to get to know yourself

  • Do you know that each of us humans are unique like our fingerprints?
  • Have you ever thought about what the best and most perfect role model of you has and what success it can achieve?
  • In which features and talents are we unique?
  • Can we recognize our weaknesses and strengthen them?
  • What are the best choices (wife, work, field of study, place of residence, travel, etc.) for me?
  • How to make the right decision according to our capabilities?
  • What opportunities do we have for amazing advancements and how can we avoid potential future threats?
  • I have the most similarities with which successful person in the world?
  • Indeed, how can one examine, predict, select and analyze the most mysterious creature of creation?
  • The good news is that the answers to these questions are available in Diginnate technology in the most convenient way.
  • We have always had a recipe for the correct use of any professional device, but we have very limited information about the most complex and masterpiece of creation in this world (ourselves)! Physical and external abilities and talents are usually easily recognizable, but knowing the internal qualities and abilities is a difficult task, and this is when our main problems are in fact our lack of recognition of the characteristics and abilities that we are not aware of.

  • Apart from the fact that we all know how much of our precious life will be wasted by a wrong choice, apart from the financial costs, in fact, to make the right choices and decisions and solve problems, the first step is to fully understand our own characteristics and abilities in a completely scientific way and in the form of information that can be analyzed and reviewed. Is.

  • In this regard, a knowledge-based research and research institute has been able to make DIGINNATE technology available to the public with an invention (based on ancient Iranian sciences and turning it into a modern science with world-class equipment) so that a great transformation awaits the people of today. .

  • By referring to this technology, you can get the answers to the questions that you have been looking for for a long time or even wished for in the shortest possible time without conventional questions and answers.

  • Today's world is the world of making the right choices, taking advantage of golden opportunities and enjoying the best.


The characteristics of every human being are special and unique like their fingerprints, and they came into existence with a world of unique abilities; In order to properly use capacities and choose the right path, it is necessary to know one's own characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and strengths in order to use one's maximum capacity and achieve the highest level of success, and more importantly, in making smart and important life decisions. Act according to its characteristics.

Many times we have made decisions and choices that after losing our life and time we realized that it was wrong and we have lost many friends due to lack of mutual recognition, we work in an organization that we are not satisfied with or even failed marriages, an example of not Mutual recognition and complete familiarity is one of our unique characteristics.

Naturally, by knowing our weaknesses, we can manage them (control or in some cases eliminate them) and strengthen our strengths to make the most of life's opportunities.

Entering an organization, choosing a field of study, choosing a suitable job, choosing a friend, partner, spouse, etc., finding our child's talent, methods of communicating and influencing people around us, etc. We will have very little to succeed in them.

Among other functions of this information, the following can be mentioned:

  • Awareness of the methods that can have the highest level of learning in the shortest time.

  • Awareness of the jobs that we will have the highest probability of income.

  • minimizing work and marital disputes and arguments by receiving information from oneself and others

  • Talenting of children

  • Preventing wrong choices in different fields

  • Control and management of colleagues, friends, family members and...

For the peace of mind of the users, all the legal and scientific procedures have been completed to register a scientific project and patent it, and this technology, as a knowledge-based service, has a knowledge-based approval from the Vice President for Science and Technology, and in addition, with approval From the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education (both of which can be seen in the certificates section of the website) you can be completely sure of the accuracy of this information. For people who need additional scientific reviews, they can get scientific articles in different departments from us or search for them on reliable websites such as PubMed.

By holding the mouse pointer, you can read the explanation of each word.

In many words, the definition of 100% of that word is specified, and if you have a percentage of it, it shows that you are a milder part of that characteristic, not necessarily the same definition.

For example: In terms of the feature of expressing longing, it is stated that "100 points are for someone who expresses the suffering of others and does not allow himself any fear"

Now, for someone who has a score of 60 in this feature, he can not express the feeling of longing or express it less, and he will observe some considerations at different times, and someone who is below 20 rarely says that he misses someone. has been

2 points regarding the analysis of our characteristics are very important:

1- No feature is good or bad by itself.

For example: Ambition for a sales force can be a positive indicator, neutral for an office force, and negative for someone who has a permanent permanent job.

2- No word is opposite to another word.

For example: if we are not in love with someone, there is no reason to hate him, maybe we just like him or have no feelings for him or even feel sad about him.

Or if someone has a high tendency to act individually, it cannot be concluded that he is not good at team work, he can be excellent, average or weak in it, and it has nothing to do with this characteristic.

Therefore, no word can be compared with another word and cannot be the basis for analyzing another characteristic.

As explained in the previous questions, the features are not good or bad by themselves, but to determine the status of each feature in normal conditions by examining from two perspectives of sociology and psychology (in the normal state) the things that can be a relative definition of the state of the features It is announced with color codes, the meanings of which are as follows:

  • Green color means (in very good condition)

  • Blue color (good)

  • Yellow color (suitable)

  • Orange color means (recommendation)

  • Red color means (change proposal)

When someone has inherent strength in something, he will achieve it quickly, and the probability of success and enjoyment in it is higher than someone who has no strength in it, but someone who has less strength can achieve it with more effort, time and repetition.

For example, for someone who is naturally less accurate in details, the probability of making a mistake is higher than someone who is more accurate by nature and has to do it with more concentration, time and repetition.

To better understand these concepts, consider a soccer team. When it is said that a person has goalkeeping talent, it does not indicate that that player cannot score or pass or is a bad soccer player.

It was possible for this player to spend more time and be a forward, but compared to himself, he spent less and the probability of success decreases, and since every coach and club likes to see his players at their highest quality and in the right place, then the possibility of him being chosen by a coach (in the organizational characteristics of an organization, a manager) will also decrease.

Our Companions

One of the frequent requests of Diginnate users after knowing and knowing their characteristics and potentials is communication It is simple and familiar with experts and reputable institutions that can help in personal development and improve their weaknesses get what they need and be able to develop their talents.

For example:

  • A person who realizes his leadership talent in organizational characteristics can attend professional leadership courses
  • Or a person who has become aware of his talent in the academic or professional sector can participate in the professional courses of the relevant experts
  • People who need useful and effective advice in the areas of personal characteristics can receive the necessary advice
  • And ...

In this regard, we intend to introduce reputable experts and institutions (which have provided professional and reliable solutions in the past and brought complete satisfaction to the clients) so that Diginnate users can, after receiving information and knowing about the features directly benefit from the advice, expertise and experiences of these professors.

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